What does CAA mean? How to pronounce CAA? You can also find out what CAA means in Hindi by reading this article. Here’s a table of CAA definitions. This acronym stands for “Competent Authority in Agriculture,” and refers to a government agency. If you want to learn the full form of CAA, read on! Despite the confusing acronym, CAA actually stands for something.
CAA is the short form of Citizens Amendment Act. What does it stand for? It refers to a bill that will change the way government agencies work. This legislation is intended to give people more power and say that they are more involved in government. But what does it mean to be involved in politics? And what is the CAA full form in English? Its meaning is complicated but simple. It is used to represent a government agency, which makes it easier to remember.
The full form of CAA is “Citizenship Amendment Act.” The law changes the Indian Citizenship Act of 1955. This act has been met with criticism from certain sections of Indian society and has led to large protests throughout the country. While some people are displeased with this change, others are excited about the possibility of making their dreams a reality. With so much at stake, CAA is a good idea.
Another acronym for CAA is “Computerized Assisted Auscultation.” It’s a digitized version of auscultation. Its devices are commercially known as “clinical decision support systems” and include sound recording, analysis, and visualisation. The acronym CAA was originally used to refer to the airline “Central African Airways” in Canada. The airline was founded in 1946 in Nya land, and its fleet consisted of 15 aircraft.
In response to this criticism, the Legislative Department and MHA defended the law, saying that it was based on a Gazette notification in 2015. They did not bother to answer a crucial follow-up question. The JPC was forced to accept this vague explanation without a proper analysis. The illogical assumption that the Muslim community cannot face persecution in their own country is incompatible with the Constitution.